Advanced Docker and Kubernetes

Course Title: Advanced Docker and Kubernetes

Course Duration: 8 Weeks (4 hours per week)
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes, and Linux Command Line

Week 1: Advanced Docker Concepts


  1. Docker Networking
    • Bridge, Overlay, and Host networks
    • Custom network drivers
    • Inter-container communication
  2. Docker Storage
    • Data volumes, bind mounts
    • Persistent storage
    • Volume drivers
  3. Docker Compose Advanced Features
    • Multi-container applications
    • Using environment files
    • Networking and scaling with Compose


  • Setting up a multi-host Docker network
  • Configuring persistent storage for containers

Week 2: Docker Security


  1. Best Practices for Container Security
    • Minimizing attack surfaces
    • Using secure images
  2. Image Scanning and Hardening
    • Vulnerability scanning tools
    • Implementing CIS Benchmarks


  • Scanning and hardening Docker images using tools like Trivy
  • Implementing secrets management

Week 3: Kubernetes Architecture Deep Dive


  1. Kubernetes Cluster Components
    • API Server, etcd, Scheduler, Controller Manager
    • Kubelet and Kube-proxy
  2. Control Plane vs. Worker Nodes
  3. Networking in Kubernetes
    • CNI Plugins: Flannel, Calico, WeaveNet


  • Deploying a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm
  • Configuring and testing a CNI plugin

Week 4: Advanced Kubernetes Configuration


  1. Resource Management
    • Resource requests and limits
    • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)
  2. Pod Scheduling
    • Node affinity and anti-affinity
    • Taints and tolerations
  3. Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes
    • Namespaces and resource quotas
    • RBAC policies


  • Implementing HPA and pod scheduling policies
  • Setting up RBAC for a multi-tenant environment

Week 5: Kubernetes Workloads and Services


  1. Advanced Workload Types
    • DaemonSets, StatefulSets, and Jobs
  2. Service Discovery
    • Headless services
    • ExternalName services
  3. Ingress and Load Balancing
    • Configuring Ingress controllers
    • Load balancing strategies


  • Deploying and scaling a StatefulSet application
  • Configuring an NGINX Ingress controller

Week 6: Kubernetes Security


  1. Pod Security Standards (PSS)
  2. Network Policies
    • Configuring isolation between pods
  3. Image Security and Compliance
  4. Secrets and ConfigMaps
    • Managing sensitive information


  • Implementing network policies using Calico
  • Managing application secrets securely

Week 7: CI/CD with Docker and Kubernetes


  1. Integrating Docker with CI/CD Pipelines
    • Docker in Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and GitHub Actions
  2. Deploying Applications with Helm
    • Helm Charts: Structure and customization
    • Version control with Helm repositories
  3. Advanced Kubernetes Deployment Strategies
    • Blue/Green deployments
    • Canary releases


  • Creating a CI/CD pipeline for a Kubernetes application
  • Deploying and managing applications using Helm

Week 8: Monitoring and Troubleshooting


  1. Logging and Monitoring
    • Setting up ELK/EFK stack
    • Prometheus and Grafana
  2. Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters
    • Debugging pods and nodes
    • Analyzing cluster events
  3. Performance Tuning
    • Optimizing resource allocation
    • Scaling clusters


  • Configuring Prometheus and Grafana for a Kubernetes cluster
  • Debugging and resolving common Kubernetes issues

Final Project:
Deploy a fully functional, secure, and monitored microservices application using Docker and Kubernetes. Utilize advanced deployment strategies, implement monitoring, and demonstrate scaling and troubleshooting techniques.